
报告题目:基于WiFi的精确室内定位,MIMI传输等2个报告 时间:9月18日上午9:00 地点:信息学院楼5层会议室 报告人:熊杰 报告人简介: Xiong received his Ph.D from the Department of Computer Science at University College London. He held a Google European Doctoral Fellowship in Wireless Networking for his doctoral studies. His research interests are in building wireless systems that uncover the gap between theory and reality. His recent work has appeared at MobiCom '15, SIGCOMM CoNEXT '14 (Best Paper Award), MobiCom '14, MobiCom '13, NSDI '13 and INFOCOM '11. He received his M.Sc. and B.Eng. degrees from Duke University and Nanyang Technological University, respectively.
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